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Sonny is a successful entrepreneur, with more than 30 years of experience in sales, business development and management, specializing in commercial real estate and facilities consulting.  Employing his talents in accounting, business development, technology ventures, and real estate consulting, Sonny has served key roles in drawing several multinational corporations to the Greater Toronto Area. Kia Motors, Omron Dualtech, and Shinhan Bank are just some notable examples.

He has led numerous teams in sales, political campaigns and volunteer organizations and has delivered many professional development programs such as How to Start or Buy a Business, Finding the Right Location for Your Business, and Prudent Investment in Real Estate.

Sonny received CGA designation in 1989 and a BA degree in commerce from the University of Toronto.  In his personal time, Sonny is an avid reader and a sports enthusiast.   He is a member of the Board of Directors of the Ontario Place Corporation and Senior Development Consultant for the Centennial College.