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[ File # csp3258328, License # 3225808 ] Licensed through http://www.canstockphoto.com in accordance with the End User License Agreement (http://www.canstockphoto.com/legal.php) (c) Can Stock Photo Inc. / kgtohOur Marketing program includes the following courses:

Marketing Planning

This course provide students with hands on, back to basics training. Students will be taken through and will work on creating a marketing plan which is easy to learn and can be put into use immediately. A good session for new marketers in your business, for pulling a new team together or for refreshing skills.

Marketing Communications

This course will help students apply the basics of marketing to their target audiences. Who is the right target and how do you communicate in the best way with them to achieve your results? Our current world has us receiving hundreds of messages a day. How do yours reach and excite the people you need?