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[ File # csp11371197, License # 2955516 ] Licensed through http://www.canstockphoto.com in accordance with the End User License Agreement (http://www.canstockphoto.com/legal.php) (c) Can Stock Photo Inc. / radiantskiesOur Workforce Management program offers the following courses:

Fundamentals Of Workforce Management

This course offers an overview of the entire Workforce Management (WFM) process starting from gathering historical data and ending with reporting and improving the results (and everything in between).

Workforce Management – Planning

Participants will learn how to create a customized planning document and conduct the planning process including data gathering and analysis, resource analysis, flexible workforce (e.g. at-home agents), FTEs and budgeting.

Workforce Management – Forecasting

Participants will learn how to predict contact centre workload and future events, how to derive weekly and daily forecasts by the required interval, how and why to adjust calculations, and finally calculate the required base staff as an input for the scheduling process.

Workforce Management – Scheduling

Participants will learn how to determine the shrinkage in base staff required, develop required tours, tour assignments and create a complete schedule while incorporating agent preferences. Participants will also learn how to organize various shifts and how to assign those shifts to individual agents.

Workforce Management – Intra Day

Participants will learn how to incorporate last-minute changes and unexpected events into the schedule and maintain a balance between target service level and occupancy rate by monitoring and making adjustments for actual workload.