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We provide engaging and cost effective in-house training, assessment services, post training follow-up and customized course development. Our core values are respect, customer, innovation, and teamwork.

Our Vision

Our vision is to change the way organizations learn. Built based on different learning experiences, our engaging interactive events provide an alternative to straight lectures and reading material. Our model allows organizations to get the most out of their training budget and allows employees to achieve their succession plans.

Our Approach

One of the greatest challenges with corporate training is to ensure that the learned concepts are translated into effective targeted behaviours. In many cases, training fails to meet this expectation, typically resulting from outdated delivery methods or the absence of training follow-up.

At The Training Department we use a unique adult learning model (Rich Learning Format) that identifies opportunities both in-session and out of session that inspires participants to apply what they’ve learned and to experience the benefits first hand.

There is considerable evidence that today’s adult learner has an attention span of roughly 15 minutes. It’s not surprising then, that after a daylong lecture, most participants will retain only about 20% of the taught concepts and retention continues to fall off steeply afterwards. The Training Department model is designed to recognize individual learning styles, read/write, aural, visual and kinesthetic and integrate all styles into the learning experience. While we often use the word “edu-tainment” to describe this fun and engaging combination of discussion, video, activity, (and yes, even a little lecture), there is far more learning science being employed than most participants are aware of.

While typical corporate training workshops last only a half to full day, our commitment to you doesn’t end there. A Training Department course starts with a discussion to glean a clear understanding of your needs, the delivering of an interesting and engaging event and the ongoing provision of subject matter best practices and innovative learning ideas long after the training event is over.

Once your training event is over, your organization will want to ensure that it continues to reap the benefits of its training investment. In order to achieve these goals you’ll need to maintain the momentum created during training by planning ongoing touch points and refreshers to remind employees of the program objectives and refresh learned concepts. It is not uncommon that as much as 90% of trained principles are forgotten over one month if not applied!

Other risks might include some of the following:

  • Pressures from the workplace will result in participants returning to pre-event habits
  • Inconsistent applications of learned concepts by different employees, department or management
  • Lack of coaching towards improved behaviours or skills
  • Failure to capture suggestions towards continuous improvement

We have a number of strategies to support you in achieving long term sustainable results from your training investment. Some actions may be less related to training and more related to influence or change in operational processes, organizational structure or culture.

We will review the many cost effective possibilities with you when we discuss your training event.

Our Values

The Tree of Knowledge in our logo is symbolic of our stakeholders. It represents diversity in nature and humanity, always growing while contributing to the positive and natural development of all living things.


We value the rights and opinions of every person and ensure that all our stakeholders are treated with dignity, honesty and fairness.


Our student is a customer and our customer is at the centre of everything we do. Our client is a customer and we want the best for their organizational success. We are passionate about creating remarkable customer moments.


The potential for teaching innovation in our times is endless. How we learn is as dynamic as what we learn. We are open minded, action oriented and seek effective approaches and tools.


We collaborate with each other in an open, trusting and truthful fashion enabling us to share information, build consensus and achieve our goals.

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